It all started almost two years ago when Cartavio, a brand proud of its origin and legacy, asked us to develop a special and unique edition to highlight the Bicentennial of our independence. “Historias de Libertad” is a Bicentennial collection box inspired by an old book, which together with a 21-year-old rum, compiles stories of our independence.
21-year-old rum, compiles stories of our independence. The final consumer will not only enjoy a good rum, but will discover and learn through each story, the different characters, scenarios of struggle, symbols and anecdotes that were part of our path to freedom.
This edition was inspired by old books, so the case has an illustrated embossing with characters that were key to our independence, icons of our culture and other details that can be discovered in it.
Every graphic detail, word and historical fact has been carefully reviewed by our team at Studio A reviewed by our team at Studio A and specialized professionals. This tribute had to be historically correct and accurate, since we don’t always have the opportunity to make more about our history, and to share it with more Peruvians. Besides, only once does your country once your country celebrates 200 years of freedom.
The surprise factor, discovery and exclusivity are important. When you open the box you find a numbered certificate that guarantees the exclusivity and uniqueness of the box. A booklet with one of the ten recovered stories, which begins with a journey into the past, an emotional introduction to then give way to the story itself, all accompanied by original illustrations and typographic compositions, highlighting important dates and phrases of the story developed.
For “Historias de Libertad”, the key was research. We had an exhaustive research work not only from our team, but also with the collaboration of historian Luis Eduardo Wuffarden, who made the research tangible in ten different stories.
The task of making each box and bottle of Ron Cartavio unique lies in the ribbons on the bottle. On the mirror of each cap (upper part), there is a unique illustration that portrays a scene or character according to the story that accompanies it. In the end, 200 illustrations were developed for 200 bottles, representing our 200 years of freedom.
Flat Label Designs
One of the goals of this commemorative edition was to give visibility to characters and facts that are not so well known by the common Peruvian people. While on the cover of the case we have iconography and characters that are more familiar to everyone, it is in the stories that we highlight the mentioned above.
The value of this edition lies not only in the finishing touches: golden medals, exclusive illustrations, unique stamps, etc., but mainly in the visibility given to the stories and characters that led us to the freedom that many Peruvians enjoy today, and which we have yet to obtain.
This project, developed at Studio A, was a team made up of the client, the project’s chief designer, the brand consultant, the design director, the production manager, illustrators, historian, style editor, etc. Different forces that make sure that expectations are accomplished and that the project reflects the emotion and passion we feel when we do it.
Here we name some of the people involved:
Design Director: Mayra Avila
Project Manager: Yeera Cueva
Project Manager: Paloma Estremadoyro
Production Manager: Daniel Calixto
Illustrator: Guillermo Fajardo
Renders: @tricyclestudio
And last but not the least: Team Cartavio